Monday, September 30, 2019

ZVP Ep. 145 - DXE has officially come to NZ. Great.

Listen HERE

Here we are at the new and improved easy-to-manage street stall.  Thanks to Jeff for designing the tablecloth.  We are back!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

NZVP Episode 144 Special guest Jeff Lyons from the NZ Vegan Street Stall

Listen HERE

Thanks so much to Jeff for coming on the show and for being my fellow street stall advocate!

Thanks for listening.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

NZVP Ep. 143 - New Years Resolution - Be More Social

Listen HERE

Here is a link to the Webinars I mentioned: LINK HERE

Here is the one that I think they really talk a lot about the issue that I am talking about in this episode: