Friday, July 25, 2014

NZVP Ep.120 - Why I oppose SAFE's 'ban factory farming' campaign

Listen HERE

Here is the link to the Facebook thread:

It has died down now so I wasn't as time consuming as I thought.  Good!  Because I plan to do this more often as it needs to be done, as a lot of new vegans get sucked into welfare which is a terrible thing to happen.  We need to expose new vegans to abolition as quickly as possible - if only at the very least to give them the option to see the alternative.  Rather than them not even knowing it exists, or them only being exposed to the deliberate distortions of abolition by the welfarist movement.

Please read the following essay:

Please listen to the following debate (they talk a lot about the HSUS sow crate campaign in this debate so it's worth a listen and is relevant to this SAFE campaign which is focused on 'factory farmed pork'):

Saturday, July 5, 2014

NZVP Ep.119 - self realisation is painful but necessary

Listen HERE

Or here: 

Here is the link to the article debunking 'reverse racism' that I mentioned and quoted from, *please* read it:

Here is the link to the articles on the modern feminist movement that I mentioned, I especially learned a lot from the second article, especially the similarities and conflicts within the feminist movement that mirror a lot of the welfarist/abolitionist debate.

I especially LOVE this comment by one of the commentators on the article whose moniker is "MLM":

"I think part of the problem, and part of what makes certain radical thinkers so easy to demonise, is that the very notion of compassion itself has also been hijacked and distorted. People think compassion is about protecting somebody’s feelings, and sometimes it is. But sometimes it’s having an understanding that there are more crucial issues at stake. And doing the right thing may actually hurt someone’s feelings, and not make you or them feel good. Sometimes the deepest compassion is the type that requires you to be the sword which cuts through the bullshit and say “No, Im sorry. I can’t and won’t go along with that. It’s not good for me or you or anyone”. (I’m learning this more and more as a parent…)

Going along with falsehood and delusion just because you are afraid of hurting someone’s feelings or because you feel sorry for them is not compassion, it’s a type of sycophancy. And while it’s so important not to lose sight of the fact that you are dealing with another human being when you find yourself in opposition with them, it’s every bit as important to point out that facilitating injustice in the name of “compassion” is actually precisely the opposite. Fierce defence of justice is actually the truest kind of compassion, but often also the easiest to mischaracterize." 

Here is a link to one of the articles by Gary Francione on the Kapparos Campaign:

Here is a link to the articles about The "Vegan" Society's betrayal of the moral baseline:

Thank you for listening.