Friday, July 25, 2014

NZVP Ep.120 - Why I oppose SAFE's 'ban factory farming' campaign

Listen HERE

Here is the link to the Facebook thread:

It has died down now so I wasn't as time consuming as I thought.  Good!  Because I plan to do this more often as it needs to be done, as a lot of new vegans get sucked into welfare which is a terrible thing to happen.  We need to expose new vegans to abolition as quickly as possible - if only at the very least to give them the option to see the alternative.  Rather than them not even knowing it exists, or them only being exposed to the deliberate distortions of abolition by the welfarist movement.

Please read the following essay:

Please listen to the following debate (they talk a lot about the HSUS sow crate campaign in this debate so it's worth a listen and is relevant to this SAFE campaign which is focused on 'factory farmed pork'):

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