Sunday, January 5, 2014

NZVP Ep.114 Special Guests Gary Francione and Anna Charlton, the authors of Eat Like You Care!

Listen HERE

Or here 

Please go to this link to get a copy of Eat Like You Care:

Just read some of these amazing reviews so you get an idea how profoundly this book is helping people:

Abolitionist Approach Website:

Please read ALL of these books:

Thanks for listening and a huge thanks to my lovely guests Anna Charlton and Gary Francione


  1. The interview touches on many extremely important issues concerning abolitionist theory and practice vs. new welfarism and our relation as vegan advocates to both, and I do not regret staying up late (it's central Europe here) to listen to it from start to end. Listen in and be inspired !

  2. Hi Elizabet
    Do you have a link to the video of Gary you mentioned in your podcast?



    1. Hi! Omigosh I just saw this probably so late! Sorry! For some reason I didn't get the email notification. Hope you get this: I will have to listen again to remember what video and I will let you know as soon as I re-listen. Not right now though cause it's getting to midnight and I am uploading a Spanish interpretation of this episode of which I was only able to do 15 minutes at a time because it is exhausting! I will find out for you tomorrow Marty> Again sorry for not seeing this comment sooner.

  3. What a wonderful interview! I highly recommend listening to Anna Charlton's and Gary Francione's crystal-clear abolitionist reasoning that is urgently needed to bring forward the paradigm-shift that animal use is a no-go.
    And you learn a lot about their motive for writing the trail-blazing book "Eat like you care". Thanks, Elizabeth. Bes vegan wishes, Micha
